Focus Area | Education

Early Grade Reading

In the formative years of education, the ability to read is much like a key opening the door to a world of knowledge and imagination. EGN is dedicated to igniting the minds of young learners in Ghana through the power of early grade reading. With a focus on the critical early years of schooling, we are committed to laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success by ensuring that every child master’s the essential skills of reading. The importance of early literacy cannot be overstated — it is the cornerstone of educational achievement and a predictor of future academic and economic success. However, for many children in Ghana, the journey to literacy is fraught with obstacles. Language barriers, lack of resources, and inadequate exposure to quality reading materials can hinder a child's ability to become a proficient reader. Global literacy rates and educational studies underscore the urgent need for intervention in the early grades. Research indicates that children who do not acquire basic reading skills by the end of third grade are more likely to fall behind and struggle throughout their educational journey. EGN is poised to change this narrative by implementing evidence-based reading programs, teacher training, and community engagement initiatives that promote early literacy.

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Join us in our endeavor to transform the future of our children and our nation, one reader at a time. Together, we can ensure that the flame of curiosity and the love of learning are kindled early, burning brightly through every page turned and every word understood.

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